Wednesday, October 12, 2011

magic wipes box (aka crazy easy craft for toddlers tutorial)

Do you spend every waking second on Pinterest? Um, I totally admit I'm on there every free second I can spare. Granted, with three kiddos and a home to maintain I don't have a ton of free time. I find the most fabulous things on there. Today I made yet another craft I've found. This one is crazy easy. Here's how it goes....

Start with an old, clean, empty wipes box and a pile of scrap fabric.

Cut a little start in your fabric then rip into strips as long as you'd like.

Tie the strips end to end to make one long chain of fabric. You could use a prettier knot or bow or whatever, but I have zero patience and I wanted to finish quickly.

I duct taped one end of the chain to the inside of the bottom of the box. You could glue it or secure it however you want, nobody will ever see this part anyway.

Stuff the chain into the box and feed the other end through the box opening.

Close it so it looks totally normal and hand it off to your always-into-something toddler.

She'll think she's so smart and it'll keep her entertained so Mommy can pin some more pretty things on Pinterest. :)

Thanks for stopping by!

This post is linked up at this party-

1 comment:

  1. What a cute idea! Thanks so much for sharing this at the thrifty thursday link party :)
