Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wish me luck!

I have used this blog for many things over the years. It started out as a way to keep my family and friends updated on my life, then I switched to a crafty/Pinteresting type blog. I'm not technically changing this time, but I am going to use it for a journey I will share. I'm going to try my best at a juice cleanse/fast/detox. I oredered my juicer and depending on when it arrives, I'll start the process. Possibly this Friday, maybe Saturday. I'm trying to convince my husband to do it with me. We'll see about that. He has agreed to watch "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" with me tonight. I will also post my weight and health issues when I start. Hold me accountable folks, I expect it from you. I will be a raging lunatic I'm sure, but I have to take some control of my life. I can do this!!!!